Swimming at night is a divine challenge!

Swim4Fun launched the challenge to swim at night, Tamariz-Duquesa, on December 14, 2024, and I thought, "Why not?" I've been swimming for a short time, but it's a good challenge, and I’m going with friends. I know the area more or less, I've swum that route before. I’m aware of the rocks at low tide, and I also know that the sea on the day could be different from when I swam there before. I trust the choice of date and the whole organization, so now I just need to focus on my own challenges… though I don't even know what they are, everything is new!

Those who know me, know that my buoy always carries a lot of things (compass, whistle, food, etc.), and now an extra light. I noticed that a friend at the beach didn’t have a light, so since I had two, I lent her one. In these things, we’re always there for each other 😍 We put them on our swim caps so we could be identified in the sea. Plus, there were the “little lights” they gave us.

The journey to the beach was filled with lots of fun, and even though it was cold, I didn’t notice. We arrived at the beach, took a photo, did the briefing, and then we swam. It was a full moon night, but I couldn’t see anything beneath me or to my left. I just focused on land references. On the right, I could always see lights, and ahead I could spot the Ferris wheel in Cascais: that was all I needed for orientation. The typical little waves from the area came from the left, without warning, and I couldn’t see them. I was thrilled that I didn’t veer off course towards land because of the waves, I never felt scared, and I hardly drank any “water”! I just focused on my direction and enjoyed the swim. It worked out 😍

Upon arrival, everyone was euphoric from overcoming the challenge! Some friends helped distribute the tea and cakes that Swim4Fun provided before dinner to warm us up… But if it was cold, I don’t even remember! It’s a challenge I’d repeat 🙌

Ana Rita

One Comment

  1. Chiara Bedini

    Uma sensação bem estranha, um misto de medo da imensidão escura do mar à noite, o frenesim de nadar naquele ambiente e com pessoas que partilham a nossa mesma paixão. Do outro lado, as luzes de Natal ao fundo guiavam o nosso caminho. E, para completar, a parte culinária: a pizza no fim foi, sem dúvida, uma bela recompensa para a nossa natação noturna. 🙂

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