A short report from a race day!

Race Weekend
Stage of the National Open Water Circuit 🏊‍♀️🏊‍♂️

3km in Sines Bay and another challenge overcome with success and fun by this wonderful trio 😍.

Here is a short report from a race day!

Initial nervousness aside (momentary lack of will, stomach pain, sleepiness, anxiety, not sure if you can complete the 3 laps and so on…

The beginning is always the most tense part where everyone starts from the water and at the same time with the sound of the horn. I already said here that open water swimming is a contact sport, right?

Well, kicks, arm strokes, “hugs”, pulling feet, elbows, stepping over each other… all of this is part of it, but it usually ends when the first buoy passes.

After that, each person follows their own strategy, some taking advantage of the ride of the one in front, others following their solitary path, firm and strong, some who, due to a pure lack of guidance, get in the way of others... bilateral, unilateral breathing , frontal, more or less everyone drinks salt water, water enters the nose and ears and that's ok!

Each lap with a characteristic, 3000m, is enough time for different types of thoughts to go through your head such as “why did I get into this again”, “damn, this first lap never ends”, “phew, 1 lap and 1/3 It's over, just over half the race to go", "look at a fish", "I guess what was that at the bottom?", "after all, there's only one lap left, I feel good", "I can already see the last buoy, then it's straight to the goal”, “my daddy in heaven, this portico will never come again”, “yeahhh, doneaa”, “when is the next one?”

We love it all, it's hard, it's true, but what counts is the feeling of mission accomplished when we take the cap off our head. Experts will understand! ☺️

If you have never felt this before, take off your glasses first!


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