Become a Federated Member

How to Become a Federated Member

After the member has completed the admission process, they can become Federated through the Club.

  • Fees
    • Registration fee for the first category: €7 +
    • Additional category (only for those who wish to compete in Open Water and Pure Swimming): €2 +
    • €3 – FPN sports insurance (mandatory for all competing members); 

For example, for an athlete who competes federated and only wants OW = €7 + €3 = €10.

For an athlete who competes federated and wants OW + PS = €7 + €2 + €3 = €12.

  • Benefits of being Federated with the FPN
    • Participate in official events of the Portuguese Swimming Federation
    • Participate in the National Masters Open Water Circuit
    • Participate in pure swimming (pool) events in the Masters category
    • Enjoy insurance during swimming practice
  1. Submit the Sports Medical Examination signed by the doctor.
  2. Fill out and send ANNEX 2 – INFORMED CONSENT DECLARATION the Federation
  3. Make the payment of the federation fee by bank transfer to the same IBAN: PT50 0010 0000 6348 2350 0015 6.

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